The most important element of a salsa is the freshness of the ingredients. Salsas bring color and variety to your dinner plate. For years salsa was just referred to as ' the bowl of brightly colored fruits and vegetables that you put on chips'. Not any more! It has come of age and stands by itself. Salsas are easy to prepare and can change a ho hum meals into a great meal.
Here is one to try. I love it!
Late Summer Salsa (Watermelon and Cucumber Salsa)
4 slices about 1/2 inch thick of watermelon, chopped into small pieces
1 cucumber (cut in 1/2 lengthwise and remove the seeds with a spoon) chop into small pieces
1/2 cup cilantro, chopped fine (I love cilantro in my salsa, so I often add more)
1/2 lime juice (Fresh is best)
1 packet of sugar substitute
Mix together .
Serves 4-6
Serve with fish, chicken or just about anything
You can subsitute chopped mint leaves or basil leaves for the cilantro. It does really change the flavor, but is very tasty. Experiement.